
What types of antifreeze are there?

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The operation of the cooling system in a vehicle is ensured by the circulation of a liquid with a boiling point higher than that of water and a freezing point lower than that of water. This liquid is called antifreeze and it plays an important role, removing heat from the power unit. Let’s look at what types of antifreeze for vehicles there are and the differences between them.

Specific performance features of all types of antifreeze

The operation of engine in any vehicle is accompanied by the release of a significant amount of heat. To prevent the engine from overheating and failing, it must be cooled down. For this purpose, various types of antifreeze are designed – a liquid circulating inside a closed circuit of the system due to the operation of a special pump. However, such compositions has some specific performance features:

  • Antifreeze takes heat from the engine in a vehicle and transfers it to the radiator;
  • In the radiator core the liquid cools down due to the oncoming air flow;
  • Until the temperature rises to the operating level, the liquid moves in a small circle, from the engine to the heater, providing fast engine warm-up;
  • When the thermostat is opened, the antifreeze moves in a large circle.

If there is a need for additional cooling, the fan starts working. A separate reservoir, an expansion tank, is designed to drain excess liquid formed during heating and expansion.

Types of antifreeze by colour and composition

Various antifreeze types are defined by various ingredients in their formulae. These liquids are manufactured with either ethylene or propylene glycol as the base material. The base component accounts for up to 90% of the total weight, water – up to 5%, special additives – 5-7%. The formula also includes colouring substances that colour the liquid in a certain way. However, this does not mean that antifreeze types can be defined by colours. The classification of such products is based on other characteristics:

  1. G11 is an ethylene glycol–based liquid with the addition of nitrates, borates, salts and other additives, the colour can be blue or green;
  2. G12 is a product with a long service life and anti–corrosion effect, the color is red or pink;
  3. G12+ is a type of antifreeze, in which additives from silicon, nitric, carboxylic or phosphoric acid are added, the colour is red;
  4. G12++ is a hybrid formula based on organic components and silicic acids with improved performance, the color is yellow or red;
  5. G13 is a new generation product based on propylene glycol, coloured purple or pink.

Knowing antifreeze colours is not as important as understanding the differences in product characteristics. American manufacturers do not have a uniform policy for colouring such products, and in Japan each colour is used for products with a specific freezing point. The blue liquid may turn out to be a tosol type liquid, an outdated option that is not used in contemporary vehicles.

Manufacturers do not colour coolants to show how many types of antifreeze they produce and to help the buyer choose the right product. The colouring is done to prevent this product from being mistaken for water or alcohol. The dye helps to know when it’s time to change the antifreeze. This is indicated by clouding of the composition and loss of colour. The level of a coloured liquid is easier to see in the tank than the transparent one, and leaks of a coloured composition are easier to detect.

How to mix various types of antifreeze

The driver needs to know what kinds of antifreeze there are, so as not to accidentally mix incompatible products with each other. For example, G11 and G12 liquids have different properties, so the result of their combination is unpredictable. G13 class products must not be mixed with other types of antifreeze for vehicles, since only these products are propylene glycol based.

Nevertheless, some liquids can be mixed with each other. This applies to G12, G12+ and G12++ antifreeze. G11 can be mixed with any product of the same class, regardless of its colour.

How to choose antifreeze for a vehicle

Understanding the types of antifreeze available makes it easier to choose the right product for each application. At the same time, it is important to bear in mind that coolants not only remove heat from the engine, but also have other functions:

  • Prevent boiling and cavitation;
  • Offer anticorrosive properties;
  • Prevent the formation of deposits in the circuit;
  • Prevent the system from freezing at subzero temperatures.

The frequency of antifreeze replacement depends on its type. Most products are designed for a service life of 2-3 years or for a mileage of 150-200K km. At the same time, G13 products have a longer service life, they need to be changed every 5 years. The period and conditions of operation of a vehicle are also taken into account.

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